Petter RønningJan 83 min readFNs bærekraftsmål 2030: Hvordan ligger vi an?FNs bærekraftsmål, vedtatt i 2015 for å bekjempe fattigdom, ulikhet og klimakrise, står i fare. Globale kriser har svekket fremgangen.
Petter RønningDec 21, 20234 min readCOP28: Hvordan har det gått?2023: Varmerekord og ekstremvær. COP28 i Dubai markerer fremskritt, men utfordringer i å følge opp klimaforpliktelser forblir.
Petter RønningNov 21, 20236 min readDet komplekse forholdet mellom Iran og Hamas i Israel-Palestina konfliktenIran har lenge vært den fremste støttespilleren til Hamas. Men hva betyr dette for Israel-Palestina konflikten etter 7. oktober-angrepet?
Petter RønningNov 6, 20234 min readHva skjer mellom Taiwan og Kina?Taiwan, Republikken Kina, er en øy uavhengig fra fastlands-Kina siden 1949. Spenninger øker, kan det ende med at Kina invaderer Taiwan?
Petter RønningOct 31, 20236 min readBalancing Act: Turkey and Iran's Regional PartnershipIn the ever-evolving geopolitics of the 21st century, Turkey and Iran's complex relationship plays a pivotal role in shaping the Middle East
Petter RønningOct 26, 20237 min readCombating Boko HaramBoko Haram, originally a nonviolent group seeking to purify Islam in Nigeria, has since transformed into a deadly terrorist organization.
Petter RønningOct 24, 202316 min readPiracy in the Gulf of GuineaPiracy in the Gulf of Guinea has increasingly become a problem for the international community. How did it happen and what is being done?
Petter RønningOct 24, 20234 min readThe Rise of ChinaChina's economic rise isn't necessarily a world threat, according to international relations theories.
Petter RønningOct 23, 20236 min readThe Amazon Rainforest and Climate Change – A Tipping Point?Deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest is potentially causing catastrophic consequences.
Petter RønningOct 23, 202317 min readThe Nuclear Deal and Iran-West RelationsThe paper explores the Iran-West relations in the 20th and 21st century, especially the Iran nuclear negotiations, using postcolonial theory